Hi there, Are you searching for the 100% Tested GDL G901 Flash File? You've come to the right place. Here is a link to collect all the materials to install stock firmware. For example, all the info including flash tool, USB driver and flashing guide are clearly mentioned. So that you can understand everything about it before downloading the flash file. Follow the paragraphs below for details.
The GDL G901 Firmware File. You can use it to fix almost all the software related problems to your mobile device. Such as: Dead Mode Recovery, Hang LCD, Black or White Display, Re-install, Downgrade, Upgrade, Pin Code Remove, Privacy Code Unlock, Password Unlock, Repair IMEI, Full Flash after Hardware change etc.
Overview: GDL G901 Flash File (Stock Firmware)
We are scanning it with a powerful Antivirus to ensure security, after saving it by reading from a new mobile phone with the Chinese Miracle (CM2) update tool. In addition we have provided our website after testing by our skilled technicians. So you can download and use our flash file without any doubt. Hopefully the desired result awaits you.
Reading info of CM2MTK
Wait for the phone
Phone found-12]
Sync Ok-read rags
Boot Info :
BB_CPU_ID: 6261
BB_CPU_SW- 0001
BB_CPU_SB: 8000
BB_CPU-NM- [Media-Tek] MT6261-S0000
BB-CPU_SN- .5B836EC9B1.4DE3A7772F3DA67EB597B3
BROM-Protocol Version: 05
Setting done- result code-0x000E
BROM -stage done
Seek and prepare-Download-Agent
Download-.Agent-matching-HW Found!
DA verify-and-select done
Sending DA-to target-
DA_INFO -0xC0- Ver-3.2 , BBID -0x8E
NOR Flash IC–initialized
[0] : FLASH-VEN-0x0113 -Win-bond- SF-W25Q32JV
[0] : FLASH_DIE-00EF- 0000-70 0016 0000
[0] : FLASH_LEN : 0x0-0400-000
SDS_INFO- 0x003FE000, 0x0–0002000
EXT_RAM: -0x0-0400000
Reading-Flash-Content now-
Read- Flash now
Read-Ok- 4194304-bytes-read
Check and-collect-compile info
File-Version: GDL-G901-V06
Saved to: C:\User\Desktop\GDL G901\FARSIGHTED61D-11C_PCB01-gprs_MT6261_S00.GDL_G901_V06.bin
Reconnect-Power/Cable! alert-success
Download GDL G901 Flash File 100% Tested
Here is a direct link to download GDL G901 Stock Firmware. From which you can easily download your desired flash file. But yes, before downloading, read all the information section of stock rom carefully.
Software Details:
- File Name: GDL G901
- Hardware: MediaTek
- Processor: MT6261DA
- File Type: BIN
- File Size: 4MB
- Supported Tool:
Before downloading, please match the firmware version and mobile picture at your own risk. The authorities will not be held responsible for your mistakes. alert-warning
Clikc to Download/download/button/#040d3c
Download - 2/download/button/ #03d639
How to Flash GDL G901 Stock ROM
You can flash with any box device or free crack tool. If you do not know how to install or flash firmware files or you do not have the equipment, you can easily follow our rules without any kind of device. See the Requirements section to find all the things you need.
- A Windows PC or laptop
- An advanced quality USB cable
- A USB driver software that will help connect Windows and mobile devices. Download Here
- A box device or crack flash tool. Download Here
Steps to Flash GDL G901 Flash File
- Download and extract the GDL G901 Flash File on your PC for ready for install.
- Install USB driver on your windows.
- After Install and open Flash Tool on your windows.
- Go to MTK section on your tool.
- Click to check mark on WRITE.
- Next select chipset model to MT62xx
- Now click on WRITE FLASH tab. (If you use the Miracle tool, click the START button).
- Press and Hold boot key on mobile keypad (No need to use Miracle Boot JIG).
- Connect the mobile device to the PC via USB cable.
- Now! Your firmware installing process has started, wait until it is finished.
If you follow all the rules I have shown, you can easily flash without any box. Inshallah.
However, if you want to know more or you can comment on any problem. I will try to reply as soon as possible. Thanks.
Related search topics: GDL G901 firmware without password, boot key, flash tool, usb driver, pin code remove, GDL G901 price in Bangladesh
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